The Aquatic Trauma Kit (ATK) has been developed using products tried and tested on the battlefields of Iraq & Afghanistan.
Used in the treatment of life-threatening bleeding in an aquatic environment, the Aquatic Trauma Kit can be used as a stand-alone kit or as a supplemental kit to standard first aid kits.
A casualty with major injuries (ie Shark Bite or Boat Propellor Injury) can bleed out in minutes if not treated quickly and effectively. Most conventional first aid kits do not have the appropriate equipment for controlling life-threatening bleeding and this is where the ATK comes in....
The Aquatic Trauma Kit comes complete with a large military style trauma dressing, an arterial tourniquet for life-threatening limb bleeds, an emergency blanket for the prevention of hypothermia and gloves and resuscitation face shield for personal protection.
The ATK is compact, rugged and vacuum sealed to protect the contents from water & sand. A must have for the boat, dive bag or car glove box.